> Welcome to "Running Our Country"

Do You Have An Opinion?

When you think of American Politics, what comes to mind?

"Running Our Country" was created to ask you to challenge your ideas of American-based politics.
Even if you don't like politics, or being challenged, more than likely,have an opinion about it.
This site have been created simply for you to anonymously answer a few questions about the
2008 Presidential elections and related issues.

>>> Please read the disclaimers before you attempt the survey<<<


Currently, this site is exclusively meant for an anonymous survey and personal opinions.
For this reason, there is not a great deal of concerns that are foreseeable.
Though politics has always been a adamantly argued subject, one that most disagree on,
please use logic and reason oriented decisions when forming your opinion.
There is no need to post negativity towards this site or anyone else,
especially when opinions can not be taken as fact or truth.
Please limit your survey admittance to one per person, this will add to the validity of this survey.

Also, this site has been created to better compare personal opinions against
the electoral colleges' outcome in relation to the 2008 Presidential election.
No personal information will be required to answer any question, other than a first name,
which is still completely optional.
This site ensures you that your name nor any other information will be shared with
any other website, except for the final cumulation of all votes.
Your personal volunteering of opinions is completely up to your discretion and
will not be mandatory in any way, shape, or form.

At the end of each survey, there will be a option to anonymously share
your overall statement on this site alone.


There is no way to tell who wished to have their opinions posted as of now
Please type "yes" if you want your information shared anonymously, or
"no" if you would rather not have your information shared

This is optional and will not effect your survey.
There will eventually be a place where comments of note will be showcased.
You are welcomed to offer your statements to this site to be put in this showcase.
Not all statements that are offered will be placed in this section, only ones felt to be
very well thought out and exceptionally insightful.
No statements that are offensive, prejudice, rude, untruthful, or slandering
will be considered for the showcase.

Finally, there will be links made available for your further understanding of current situations.
These are simply there for more information and are not mandatory.
These are not the opinion of this site; this site is meant to be impartial.
If there is an issue with the links, if there is any errors made on this page,
or for any other concern, please e-mail the following account:


If there is disatisfaction due to this survey, you are implored to explain what is
offensive/improper/incorrect, but please do so in a respectful manner.

Thank you for your patience!


Click here to take the "Running Our Country" Survey!

Don't Worry about the following screen after the survey, this was a mandatory page.
You are more than welcome to hit the 'back' button on your navagation bar to view
the anything else on "Running Our Country", Thanks Again!

Current Related Issues (Links)

Democratic Platforms by NationalPlatforms.com

Republican Platforms by NationalPlatforms.com

Information on Possible Candidates for the 2008 Election


-More Coming Soon-